Assistant Professor, Bellevue University (Bellevue, NE)
Adjunct Faculty, Colorado School of Mines
Affiliate Faculty, Regis University (Denver, CO)
Lecturer, University of Colorado Boulder
Assistant Professor, University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX)
Seismic Imager, CGG (Houston, TX)
Lecturer, University of Denver
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Northern Iowa
J. Asplund and B. Werner, Reconfiguration graphs of shortest path graphs with no induced 4-cycles, Discrete Mathematics, 343(10) (2020), 111640.
J. Asplund, K. Edoh, R. Haas, Y. Hristova, B. Novick, and B. Werner, Reconguration graphs of shortest paths, Discrete Mathematics, 341(10) (2018), 2938-2948.
B. Werner, Strong orbit equivalence and residuality, Topological Methods and Nonlinear Analysis, 39(2) (2012), 285-310.
B. Werner, An example of Kakutani equivalent and strong orbit equivalent substitution systems that are not conjugate, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 2(2) (2009), 239-249.
August 2017: Received full funding for REUF research group to collaborate at ICERM on the Brown University campus
January 2017: Selected as a STEM faculty undergraduate research leader at the University of St. Thomas
July 2016: Selected as a participant in the AIM Research Experiences for Undergraduate Faculty (REUF) workshop
Summer 2011: Member of a four-person team awarded a grant tasked with transforming a Business Calculus course to a hybrid format
January 2008: Appointed as the Bill Dorn Lecturer for outstanding teaching as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Denver
May 2000: Recipient of Robert Green Memorial Award awarded to the outstanding freshman engineering student at Morningside College