Bellevue University has the responsibility for securing its computing and networking systems (both academic and administrative) to a reasonable and economically feasible degree against unauthorized access, while making the systems accessible for legitimate and innovative uses. This responsibility includes informing persons who use the Bellevue University computer and network systems of expected standards of conduct.
The Bellevue University data network is a private network and may only be used for authorized purposes by authorized individuals. Unauthorized use, access or modification of any information on this system may result in prosecution.
All data transmitted or stored on any location within this network is the sole property of Bellevue University that will be monitored and audited at the discretion of the University. All individuals gaining access to this system are hereby notified that use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring and auditing.
It is important for the user to practice ethical behavior in computing activities because the user has access to many valuable and sensitive resources, and the user's computing practices can adversely affect the work of others. For the good of all users, improper use and abuse of the computer and network privileges cannot be tolerated. Bellevue University authorizes user accounts solely for use in conducting course-related research and University business.
The use of Peer to Peer (P2P) software for downloading, copying and sharing material such as music, movies, games, software applications or other copyrighted materials for which the copyright holder has not given you rights, is both against the law and Bellevue University's Computer and Network Use Policy. Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties that may include both fines and imprisonment. For more information, please see the Bellevue University Copyright Center.
Internet access is granted to all users for the purpose of business or course related research. The Internet is comprised of many individual computers connected to a world-wide network. This network provides each user access to millions of pages of information that are outside the University. Individuals accessing the Internet via a computer located within the University's network are warned that the University has no control over what quality content may be found through even the simplest search of the Internet and that many of the available pages may contain offensive, sexually explicit, or inappropriate material. The University does not condone intentionally accessing this information via the Internet connection.
Any person using the computer or network resources does so within the bounds of this authorization. Persons who violate this policy will lose their access privileges to Bellevue University's computing systems pending an evaluation of the alleged violations. For additional information, a complete copy of the policy statement discussing computer and network use is posted on the bulletin board located in the student computer labs. Your use of the website and affiliated websites is further subject to the Bellevue University website Terms and Conditions of Use.