Prepare for a professional career
in medicine, dentistry, health, or law.

Pre-med and Pre-health Pre-law

Pre-med and Pre-health

To get started down the path towards medical, dental, physical therapy or other health professions, choose a degree program that is designed to take you there. Pre-med and pre-health at Bellevue University can fit into several majors – choose one that excites your passion.

Our advisors and experienced faculty will guide you into a direction that fits your career goals. You have many options in addition to nursing or practicing as a physician. If you are a student interested in a healthcare profession, we are ready to answer your questions. Request information today.

You may be able to pursue the major of your choice while completing prerequisites for professional school at the same time. However, you are encouraged to choose a major with core courses in the natural sciences if your goal is to enter any of these health professional fields:

  • Medicine
  • Osteopathic Medicine
  • Pharmacology
  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Dentistry
  • Physician Assistant
Nephi Jones, Class of 2013
I applied and was accepted to medical school. Without Bellevue University I would have never been able to accomplish this and I would not be getting ready to graduate. I received the same level of education from Bellevue University as did my current medical school classmates who attended Division I schools with class sizes in the hundreds and who paid higher tuition.

Possible majors include the Bachelor of Science in Biology and Bachelor of Science in Health Science. Other degree programs may also meet some of the requirements, so contact an admissions counselor to find a degree plan to fit your goals.

If you are a pre-medical student or interested in another pre-health field, it is important to prepare early for where you wish to apply to professional or Med schools. The application process and admission requirements for medical schools differ from one school to the next.

Regardless of undergraduate major, all students who are interested in medical or other healthcare related professional programs are encouraged to complete the Pre-Medical Certificate of Completion.

Find a degree plan to kick start your goals - Request information today.


We believe choosing a major for pre-law is a personal choice. Pre-law at Bellevue University means you have wide choices in a major with varied learning experiences as you prepare for law school.

Several degree programs offer coursework that will meet common prerequisites for many law schools. Law degree programs may specify certain required courses. However, law schools differ in requirements and application processes so be sure to do research early for the schools to which you wish to apply. It’s best to meet with an advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences to help plan your degree program to fit your personal goals.

Possible degree programs at Bellevue University that may align with requirements for pre-law students include, but are not limited to: